Thursday, October 28, 2010


Starting Monday, NaNoWriMo begins. For those of you that do not know what NaNoWriMo is...I'm not sure how to explain it. My best attempt is this: it's a writing program online that you sign up for and try to write a novel. The novel has to be 50,000 words, or 175 pages. It starts on November 1...and ends November 30. Only thirty days. Needless to say, being the girl who has never finished writing a book in her life, I am more than a little nervous. I have friends who have completed the challenge before who are going to encourage me, though. The main reason I am posting about this is this: sometime during the month of November, I will become very, very discouraged, and will wonder why I ever decided to try to write an entire novel in a month. I will then want to quit. However, if many people know that I am going to attempt this, my pride will surely be enough to keep me from giving up and so humiliating myself.

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